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Rescheduled:Discover your strenghts and potentials for your (professional) growth

Rescheduled:09. + 16.09.2024, 10:00 - 17:00 Location: online
Event type:
  • TU Dortmund
  • Career in Academia and Beyond
  • Karriere innerhalb und außerhalb der Wissenschaft
  • For doctoral researchers
  • Für Promovierende
  • Workshop

Is a Scientific Career Right for Me or Should I Go a Different Route? How Do I Figure Out What I Really Want? These are questions that many graduate students ask themselves during their studies. In this training, participants learn various techniques for self-reflection and gain new insights through discussion with each other that will help them answer these questions.

Is a Scientific Career Right for Me or Should I Go a Different Route? How Do I Figure Out What I Really Want? These are questions that many graduate students ask themselves during their studies. In this training, participants learn various techniques for self-reflection and gain new insights through discussion with each other that will help them answer these questions. At the beginning, participants take stock and reflect on their strengths and values, as well as the factors they need for satisfaction in a professional context. Based on this self-developed competence profile, they can then look to the future and learn to develop their individual vision and derive concrete goals from it.

Learning goals:

Clarity in (professional) further development, identifying your own interests, skills and values, discovering and developing your own potential, developing an individual vision of the future, gaining new motivation for your own goals.

C o n t e n t

  • Kick Off: What do I want to learn for myself?
  • Interests: Which topics are important to me? What interests do I burn for?
  • Strengths & core competencies: What challenges have I already mastered? What am I
  • doing with ease? What feedback do others give me?
  • Values: What values do I base my actions on? How do I live these values? Where can I
  • integrate them even more?
  • Framework conditions: When did it flow in my previous professional activities, when not
  • and why? What else do I need, what do I prioritize?
  • Vision: What (hidden) desires do I have? What do I imagine for my future and how does
  • that feel?
  • Objectives: Which concrete steps do I have to take to realize my vision?
  • Résumée: What has changed, what do I take with me and where do I stay tuned?
  • Instructor: Dr. Sarah Kersten
  • Target group: Doctoral Researchers
  • Participants: Max. 14
  • Language: English

This event will be credited with 16 work units for the area "Career in Academia & Beyond" of the Career Certificate Program for Doctoral Researchers.

Registration deadline: 19.08.2024
