International doctoral researchers (PhD candidates)
The Graduate Center supports international doctoral researchers by offering individual advice, transferable skills training, and networking opportunities in English. It also offers a platform to make many other international programs within the TU Dortmund University visible to incoming doctoral researchers.
Services of the Graduate Center
The Graduate Center supports international doctoral researchers by providing advice, transferable skills training, and networking.
- Counselling: From preparing for a doctorate to career planning after graduation – of course, we can provide all our advice in English. We focus on the needs of international doctoral researchers and the peculiar features of the German academic and doctoral system.
- Transferable skills training: About half of the transferable skills workshops at the Graduate Center are held in English. The trainers are generally internationally experienced and address the specific challenges of international doctoral researchers.
- Networking: We regularly organize networking formats such as DocDay or DocNet in English. An important concern of the Graduate Center is to bring together international and German doctoral researchers and thus promote a common community on campus.

Services for international doctoral researchers
Services für internationale Promovierende
Welcome Services | International Office
The Welcome Services team is your contact for organizational questions and concerns regarding your stay at TU Dortmund University.
German Language Courses | ZHB Division of Foreign Languages
Extensive range of language courses for German as a foreign language.
Financial Support
Scholarship for Special Commitment
Within the framework of the DAAD program, STIBET I, the International Office awards scholarships to particularly committed and socially engaged international students from funds provided by the Federal Foreign Office.
DAAD Graduation Scholarship
The graduation scholarship is meant to support international students who are in financial hardships by no fault of their own so that they can finish their studies.
Research Academy Ruhr
International doctoral researchers who have already submitted their dissertation are eligible to apply for the Research Explorer Ruhr program.
Research Explorer Ruhr offers international (post)doctoral researchers a fully funded stay at one of the UA Ruhr universities for two weeks. During this time, they can establish contacts to professors and lay the groundwork for a joint third-party funding proposal.