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Successful Grant Writing - Module 4: AI for Grant Writing (online | for Postdocs from all research fields)

Start: End: Location: Online (via Zoom)
Event type:
  • Research Academy Ruhr
  • Acquiring Third-Party Funds
  • Drittmittel einwerben
  • For Postdocs
  • Für Postdocs
  • Workshop

AI-based tools enable researchers to work more efficiently and effectively. However, it is important for researchers to use these tools judiciously and with an understanding of their limitations and considering the policies of the funding agencies.

 Although the range of tools is currently expanding exponentially, at the current stage the workshop will discuss and use the following tools:

The workshop will integrate questions / material / text / ideas from participants. Content / suggestions and questions from the participants will be implemented live online as input into the AI tools. These case studies and live exercises will help participants to apply the concepts and tools to their own scientific research and proposal writing.

Download workshop description (PDF)

PD Dr. Daniel Mertens is Biochemist, Lecturer and leader of his own research group at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and at the University of Ulm. He shares his knowledge and experiences since several years as professional trainer.

Time: Thu, 22 February 2024, 09:00-12:30
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Target group: Postdocs from all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities; max. 25 participants
Trainer: PD Dr. Daniel Mertens
Registration deadline: 09.02.2024
Contact for organizational questions: Dr. Ursula Justus (RUB Research School)

More Information and Registration