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DFG Grant Writing Workshop

Start: End:
Event type:
  • Forschungsförderung
  • For Postdocs
  • Für Postdocs
Join us at the DFG Grant Writing Workshop from 18 to 22 September 2023 to acquire the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to create a compelling grant proposal and embark on a rewarding research journey in Germany!

This one week workshop will provide participants with valuable insights into DFG research grants, while equipping them with the essential skills to develop a strong foundation for their individual DFG research grant proposals. By the end of the workshop, the primary goal is for participants to have a draft of their individual DFG grant proposals.

  • Dedicated sessions for participants to work on their individual grant proposals
  • In-depth information about DFG research grants
  • Ample opportunities for participants to ask questions  on specific aspects of the grant application process


Further information, the conditions of participation and the registration can be found here

Application deadline: September 1th 2023