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DocDay 2022 - A day all about the doctorate!

Start: End: Location: International Meeting Center, Emil-Figge-Straße 59, 44227 Dortmund
Event type:
  • DocDay
  • Inform & Network
  • Informieren & Vernetzen
  • For prospective doctoral researchers
  • For doctoral researchers
  • Für Promotionsinteressierte
  • Für Promovierende
  • Information event
  • Networking event
  • Vernetzungsveranstaltung
  • Informationsveranstaltung
On November 4th 2022 the second Doctoral Researchers‘ Day will once again bring together doctoral researchers and anyone interested in pursuing a PhD at TU Dortmund University.

Hearing condensed information, getting exciting impulses and making interesting new connections will once again be the focus of the DocDay, which revolves around all the skills and challenges associated with getting a PhD. For the first time the DocDay will be held in-person, offering participants the opportunity to make more personal connections and meet important institutions at TU Dortmund.

The DocDay is organised by the Graduate Center and is open to all people currently working on or interested in pursuing a PhD. Participation is free of charge.

The event will be held in-person at IBZ, TU Dortmund on November 4th 2022.


9:00 | Get-together & Coffee

9:30 | Welcome & Kick-off

9:45 | Opening Talk: "Continuing education and qualification in the doctoral phase" | Fabian Brinkmann, Graduate Center

10:15 | Info Sessions

  • A PhD – the right thing for me? | Dr. Benjamin Brast/Nadine Finke-Micheel, Graduate Center
  • Stressmanagement during your PHD – Resources that help to cope with daily hazzles and challenges in academia | Experts from the Psychological Student Counceling
  • From PhD 2 Innovator – How 2 plan the impact of your research from the start | Experts from the Center for Entrepreneurship & Transfer
  • What does peer review mean and how to survive it | Kathrin Höhner, University Library/Fabian Brinkmann, Graduate Center

11:45 | Keynote: JProf. Dr. Daniela Giménez Jiménez, Junior Professor of Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Business and Economics

12:45 |‚Market of Opportunities‘ & Lunch Break

Partners for the Market of Opportunities include: Graduate Center; Center for Entrepreneurship & Transfer; University Library; Career Service; Psychological Student Counseling; Welcome Services, Research Data Management; Staff Unit Equal Opportunity, Family, Diversity

14:30 | Info Sessions

  • Financing your PhD | Dr. Benjamin Brast/Fabian Brinkmann, Graduate Center
  • Why gender-differentiated research design is important for your next project | Annika Schmidtpeter, Research Support Services
  • Your Data Matters – simple steps to a better data management | Experts from Research Data Management
  • Individual Counseling for International PhD students | Experts from the Welcome Services, International Office

16:00 | Conclusion and open networking opportunities

