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Online Workshop: Interview training - successful job interviews online & offline

Start: End: Location: online via Zoom
Event type:
  • CET
  • Präsentieren, Kommunizieren & Lehren
  • For Postdocs
  • Für Promotionsinteressierte
  • Für Postdocs
  • Für Promovierende
  • Workshop
Join this job interview training to learn how to conduct job interviews successfully - online and offline.

Join this job interview training to learn how to conduct job interviews successfully - online and offline. We will look at how to prepare properly for a job interview - especially for the 'difficult' questions. How do you present yourself in the right way, what are special preparations to take before online and offline job interviews & how to negotiate salaries?

We will share a lot of tips and tricks and answer all your questions, so that you can go into the next job interview relaxed – and make it a huge success!


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