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Successful Grant Writing - Module 1: What is your “Why” and your “What”? (online | for Postdocs from all research areas)

Start: End: Location: Online (via Zoom)
Event type:
  • Research Academy Ruhr
  • Acquiring Third-Party Funds
  • Drittmittel einwerben
  • For Postdocs
  • Für Postdocs
  • Workshop

Key Message Arguably the most important part of communicating own research is identifying the key message. Projects are defined by a beginning and by an end. However, in research in spite of time-delimited funding, the end of research projects is often ill-defined. To this end it is important to well define the unique selling point of a project, the beginning of applying and to understand the fundamentals of project management. With this input in mind, the participants work on their central messages on a peer-to-peer basis.

Audience In communication research convincingly researchers need to adapt to their audiences. Who is the audience? Whom to address with a research proposal? How to select and identify target audiences, e. g. the grant funding agency that is ideally suited for a project? How to deal with the feedback researchers get from the reviewers? What to do when the proposal is rejected?

Storyline What´s the secret of a good scientific story? The workshop offers tools to turn research into a story and to tell the fascinating story of research results and data. This will include pitching to peers to optimize the first impression. The unique selling point of the participants (USP) will be considered. The USP ideally combines the project, the expertise of the applicant, access to expertise and access to resources.

Download workshop description (PDF)

Trainer PD Dr. Daniel Mertens is Biochemist, Lecturer and leader of his own research group at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and at the University of Ulm. He shares his knowledge and experiences since several years as professional trainer.

Time: Mo, 19 February 2024, 9:00-12:30
Location: Online (via Zoom)
Target group: Postdocs of all research areas of the UA Ruhr universities; max. 25 participants
Trainer: PD Dr. Daniel Mertens
Registration deadline: 07.02.2024
Contact for organizational questions: Dr. Ursula Justus (RUB Research School)

More Information and Registration