Past events
Here you will find the past of events in chronological order.
DocDay 2022 - A day all about the doctorate!
Visit exciting talks, meet other (prospective) doctoral candidates, and learn more about how TU Dortmund can support you during your doctorate!
TU Dortmund Young Academy – Info
Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen ab der Promotion können bei der TU Dortmund Young Academy eine Förderung für ein eigenes Vorhaben beantragen.
Tenure Track Academy: „Prioritäten setzen“
Das Gruppencoaching „Prioritäten setzen“ unterstützt Sie bei der Priorisierung ihrer Ziele auf dem anspruchsvollen Weg zur Tenure.
Short Workshop Series I: Mastering Writing Skills
This workshop series leads you through the writing process and focuses on topics such as writing introductions, purpose statements, and abstracts.
GZ|info: Promotionsfinanzierung mit Stipendien – Finanzierungsquellen, Bewerbung, Fallstricke
Die Info-Veranstaltung bietet einen Überblick über Promotionsstipendien und Tipps zur erfolgreichen Bewerbung.
Short Workshop Series II: Professional and Technical Communication
This workshop series teaches you the basics of technical communication and introduces you to processes that will help you improve on these tasks.
How 2 identify transfer opportunites & design transfer projects?
The workshop introduces methodological knowledge for the successful planning of the utilization of research results in society and industry.
Keeping the balance – Compatibility of family and career in changing work environments
A joint 4 hours workshop for doctoral researchers of TU Dortmund and FH Dortmund focusing on the compatibility of family and career at universities.
DocNet – Kick off: Writing groups for doctoral researchers
Kick-off meeting for writing groups for doctoral reseachers.