Past events
Here you will find the past of events in chronological order.
Short Workshop Series I: Mastering Writing Skills
This workshop series leads you through the writing process and focuses on topics such as writing introductions, purpose statements, and abstracts.
GZ|info: Promotionsfinanzierung mit Stipendien – Finanzierungsquellen, Bewerbung, Fallstricke
Die Info-Veranstaltung bietet einen Überblick über Promotionsstipendien und Tipps zur erfolgreichen Bewerbung.
Short Workshop Series II: Professional and Technical Communication
This workshop series teaches you the basics of technical communication and introduces you to processes that will help you improve on these tasks.
How 2 identify transfer opportunites & design transfer projects?
The workshop introduces methodological knowledge for the successful planning of the utilization of research results in society and industry.
Keeping the balance – Compatibility of family and career in changing work environments
A joint 4 hours workshop for doctoral researchers of TU Dortmund and FH Dortmund focusing on the compatibility of family and career at universities.
DocNet – Kick off: Writing groups for doctoral researchers
Kick-off meeting for writing groups for doctoral reseachers.
Writing successful research proposals for DFG funding lines in the Natural Sciences and Engineering
The participants receive an introduction to fundamental principles, tools and methods of proposal writing to get their research funded.
Umfragen erstellen mit LimeSurvey (Einführung) | Methoden für Geistes- & Sozialwissenschaften
In diesem Workshop lernen Sie die Umfragesoftware LimeSurvey kennen, um eigene Online-Umfragen durchführen und die Ergebnisse exportieren zu können.
GZ|info: WissZeitVG, Befristung & Co. – Personalrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs
Markus Neuhaus, Leiter des Dezernats Personal, gibt einen Überblick über personalrechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für Promovierende und Postdocs.