Past events
Here you will find the past of events in chronological order.
Preparing for the Dissertation Defense
This workshop focuses on preparing and giving your dissertation defense in the best possible way.
Research Data Management for Doctoral Researchers
In the workshop we will teach you strategies and concepts on how to organize, structure, document, share, archive, and publish your research data.
Short Workshop Series II – Professional and Technical Communication
This workshop series teaches you the basics of technical communication and introduces you to processes that will help you improve on these tasks.
Writing successful research proposals for DFG funding lines in the Natural Sciences & Engineering
During the workshop, participants receive an introduction to principles, tools, and methods of proposal writing to get their research funded.
Working with your Supervisor: How to achieve a relationship of mutual support, feedback, and creative freedom for your doctorate
The workshop supports doctoral researchers as they build a productive and professional relationship with their supervisor.
Keeping the balance – “Homeoffice” meets family
This online workshop for doctoral researchers working from home is about how to balance family life and work in universities.
From PhD to Innovator
In our diverse workshop program you will learn how your doctoral thesis can become a business idea and finally a company.
Your Doctorate at TU Dortmund University: An Introduction for International Students
How do I become a doctoral researcher at TU Dortmund University? This two-part online event provides answers to this and other questions.
Short Workshop Series I – Mastering Writing Skills
This workshop series leads you through the writing process and focuses on topics such as writing introductions, purpose statements, and abstracts.