Past events
Here you will find the past of events in chronological order.
Writing for Publication in the Humanities and Social Sciences
This workshop will bring you closer to successful publication by introducing you to the stages authors go through in the publication process.

Beyond Academia: Career Perspectives for PhD Holders
The workshop will give an overview of different job opportunities other than academic research.
Don't Let It Drive You Nuts! Resilience and Self-Management for Doctoral Researchers
The workshop activates and develops your resilience skills in interactive units of analysis, self-reflection, communication and pragmatic counsel.
Getting it done. How to complete your dissertation – methods and motivation
The workshop provides you with useful tools to tackle the final stage of your dissertation with as little hassle as possible.
Research Data Management for Doctoral Researchers
In the workshop we will teach you strategies and concepts on how to organize, structure, document, share, archive, and publish your research data.
Leadership Skills for Postdocs
Leadership has undergone changes – in parallel with changes to our work environments.

Science Slam – bringt Eure Forschungsthemen unterhaltsam auf die (digitale) Bühne!
Im Workshop lernen Sie, wie Sie durch gelungenes Storytelling und den Einsatz interaktiver Elemente die Aufmerksamkeit Ihrer Zuschauer wachhalten.
Writing successful research proposals
In this workshop, participants receive an introduction to fundamental principles, tools and methods of proposal writing to get their research funded.

Presentation Training for a Virtual Stage: Engaging the Listener in Your Talk
The interactive two-day workshop, affords participants the opportunity to enhance their video presentation skills.