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Writing successful research proposals for DFG funding lines in the Natural Sciences and Engineering

See description Location: Online (via Zoom)
Event type:
  • Research Academy Ruhr
  • TU Dortmund
  • Acquiring Third-Party Funds
  • Drittmittel einwerben
  • For Postdocs
  • Für Postdocs
  • Workshop
During this online course, the participants receive an introduction to fundamental principles, tools and methods of proposal writing to get their research funded. The workshop will put a special emphasis on research funding of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

During this online course, the participants receive an introduction to fundamental principles, tools and methods of proposal writing to get their research funded. The workshop will put a special emphasis on research funding of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Based on the training material, interactive discussions and relevant examples the participants learn how to develop a research idea into a project proposal and matching it to the goals of a targeted funding program of the DFG. Integrated exercises help participants to structure proposals that comply with funding requirements and reflect the reading behaviour of reviewers.

The participants work on written two-page outlines of their own funding ideas (“mini-proposals”) which are submitted to the trainer two weeks before the workshop. Participants improve their mini-proposals throughout the workshop and receive trainers' feedback on their proposal structure, content and language use.

The participants learn how to:

  • View proposal writing as a competition in a marketplace of research ideas and as an instrument for career advancement.
  • Develop and sell a research idea by matching it to the goals of the intended DFG funding line.
  • Convince reviewers of the relevance and importance of the research idea.
  • Develop a work plan with milestones, deliverables and contingency plans.
  • Understand reviewers’ reading behaviour.
  • Understand the basic structure of the application highlighting the most important parts and strategies.
  • Engage the reviewer as an advocate for their project proposal.
  • Comply with formalities and manage timelines and deadlines.

This online course consists of a workshop and an additional session where participants receive individual feedback from the trainer on their miniproposals.

Download workshop description (PDF)


  • Time: Fri, 30 June and Mon, 3 July 2023 + individual 45-min. appointments by arrangement
  • The first two days will start as workshops days at 9.00 a.m. and last until 2.00 p.m. with flexible breaks. After the workshop individual 45-minute one-to-one conversations take place with each participant, the dates of which are agreed in the workshop.
  • Location: Online (via Zoom)
  • Target group: Postdocs of the UA Ruhr universities (Natural Sciences and Engineering); max. 10 participants
  • Trainers: Dr. Babette Regierer and Dr. Susanne Hollmann
  • Registration deadline: 16 June 2023
  • Contact for organizational questions: Dr. Ursula Justus (RUB Research School)


Further information and registration*

* In order to provide you with a convenient registration process, the Graduate Center uses registration forms from the service provider eveeno®. eveeno® works in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).