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Framework program for junior professors

JProf TU

TU Dortmund University provides its assistant professors ("Juniorprofessuren") with target group-specific support and training.

InFokus: How to Write Professional Cover Letters and Research Statements for Professorships Applications (online short workshop)

Start: End: Location: online via Zoom
Event type:
  • Research Academy Ruhr
  • CoachingPLUS
  • For Junior Faculty
  • Für Junior Faculty
  • Workshop
The most difficult long texts for a written application for a professorship are probably the cover letter and the research statement.

The most difficult long texts for a written application for a professorship are probably the cover letter and the research statement. 

In this workshop, you will get strategic input on how to develop both texts, what structure they can have and what should be included. 

Additionally, we will disucss which strategies you can pursue if only a part of the profile required in the advertisement fits to you.


  • Date: Wed, 12 March 2025, 15:00–16:30 h
  • Location: online via Zoom
  • Target group: Junior Faculty of the UA Ruhr universities (Habilitation Candidates, Junior Research Group Leaders, Junior Professors); max. 25 participants
  • Trainer: Dr. Matthias Schwarzkopf
  • Registration deadline: 26 February 2025
  • Contact for organizational questions: Dr. Ursula Justus (RUB Research School)

Further information and registration*

Onboarding & Framework Program

Regular, exclusive workshops as well as information and networking events cover the topics and further training needs that correspond to the special challenges of this job profile. They also enable exchange and networking on a peer level.

Review Meeting & Mentoring

The program also provides individual advice and support for Dortmund assistant professors in the form of review meetings. Two review meetings take place during the qualification phase: Before the interim evaluation with the Dean of the respective department and after the interim evaluation with the Vice President Research.

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The JProf TU mentoring complements the review meetings and offers the opportunity to reflect on goals, strategies, and career perspectives with a senior researcher with whom there is no dependent relationship. A mentor can be someone who (1) holds a W2/W3 professorship at the department or is related to the subject, and (2) has been at TU Dortmund University for at least 2 years. The mentorings are organized centrally. The arrangement is bilateral between assistant professor and mentor.

With an overview of assistant professors and their main research areas, TU Dortmund University gives these researchers visibility. All assistant professors at TU Dortmund University are regularly kept up to date on the target group-specific offers via a semester mailing.

Further information on JProf TU can also be found in the concept paper.

Contact person for JProf TU

The „Juniorprofessur“ (here translated as "assistant professorship") is an independent career track to a full professorship in the German academic system, introduced to replace the traditional track requiring a habilitation.

Assistant professors are expected to conduct independent research as well as to teach and supervise at (under-)graduate level. They have a limited term of six years, during which they are given the opportunity to establish their own research agendas and academic profiles.

“Juniorprofessuren” are not always tenured, but advertised as positions with or without tenure. In both cases, a formal evaluation procedure is defined, see to learn more regarding the interim evaluation at TU Dortmund University.

Qualification in the framework program:

In addition to these qualification opportunities, the framework program ProfTU keeps you up to date on current developments in the fields:

  • Good scientific practice
  • Research data management
  • Teaching methods

Upcoming events in the qualification program for assistant professors can be found on our events page and at the top of this page.

A lecturer stands in front of students in the lecture hall. © Roland Baege​/​TU Dortmund