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Events for (prospective) doctoral researchers

GZ|info: Ready for your doctorate - Successfully navigating your first year

Start: End: Location: online
Event type:
  • TU Dortmund
  • Inform & Network
  • Informieren & Vernetzen
  • For prospective doctoral researchers
  • For doctoral researchers
  • Für Promotionsinteressierte
  • Für Promovierende
  • Informationsveranstaltung
This compact information event provides students and doctoral candidates in the initial phase of their doctorate with an overview of the most important points for a successful start to their doctorate.
  • What challenges will you face during your doctorate?

  • How can you overcome these challenges?

  • What support will you receive at TU Dortmund University?

GZ|info: Info events for everyone from doctoral researchers to junior professors! GZ|info puts the most relevant topics for early career-researchers in a nutshell.

  • Target group: International Master’s and early-stage PhD students
  • Language: English
  • Speakers: Dr. Benjamin Brast & Nadine Finke-Micheel (Graduate Center @ TU Dortmund University)

This event will be credited with 2 work units for the area "Information & Networking" of the Career Certificate for Doctoral Researchers.
