Prizes and awards for doctoral researchers
Prizes and awards prove your scientific quality and are an important – and often overlooked – component of scientific career development. Every year, the TU Dortmund University awards prizes for the best dissertation in each of the 17 departments.
Prizes at TU Dortmund University
Dissertation prize of the departments
Through their work in research and teaching, doctoral researchers greatly contribute to the success of the TU Dortmund University. The university honors this commitment annually with the dissertation prize.
The Rectorate honors authors of outstanding dissertations written at the TU Dortmund University.
Each Department awards the dissertation prize once a year. Central criteria for the award are:
- Scientific originality and innovation value
- Form of presentation, especially with regard to clarity, thought leadership, and comprehensibility
- Importance for the further development of the field

The prize money is up to 1,500 euros. For further information, please visit the website of your Department. The central contact person for the dissertation prize is Jörg Harhaus from the Department of Data Protection, Committees, Allowances. Send an e-mail
Rudolf Chaudoire Prize

The Rudolf Chaudoire Prize is endowed with 5,000 euros and is usually announced in the spring.
The prize is intended to support research stays of highly qualified early-career researchers (with completed doctorate) of TU Dortmund University at a foreign university or research institution.
Early-career researchers must be nominated for the prize by their department. The completion of the doctorate should not be longer than five years ago.
Information about the Rudolf Chadoire Prize can be found on the website of the International Office.
National and international awards
For doctoral researchers of all disciplines, there are numerous national and international competitions aimed at outstanding early career researchers. Among the most prestigious prizes for doctoral researchers or dissertations are:
- Deutscher Studienpreis, Körber Foundation (in German only)
- KlarText Prize for Science Communication, Klaus Tschira Foundation (in German only)
- Bertha-Benz-Prize for female engineers, Daimler and Benz Foundation
- DECHEMA-Prize, Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Roman Herzog Research Prize for Social Market Economy, Roman Herzog Institute
In addition, there are numerous foundations and professional societies that regularly award prizes for special achievements by early career researchers. Our FIT Newsletter provides you with regular updates on the latest announcements in your field.
For awards with a nomination procedure (instead of a direct application), either professors nominate directly or the university management does so.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Verena Risse, Assistant to the Vice President Research, by e-mail.