Past events
Here you will find the past of events in chronological order.
SPSS-Kurs (Einführung) | Methoden für Geistes- & Sozialwissenschaften
Eine Einführung in die Arbeit mit der Statistik-Software SPSS.

The Appointment Procedure - Module 2: The Written Application in Detail
The workshop provides basic knowledge about the different parts of a written application for a Junior-, Tenure Track- or lifetime professorship.

Good Scientific Practice
This workshop provides information on the rules of good scientific practice and their everyday application for doctoral candidates.

Storytelling - Boost your innovative potential | Young Entrepreneurs in Science
In this workshop you will get to know the key elements of the storytelling method and put them into practice to convey your own scientific ideas.

Frühjahrsakademie - Für einen guten Start in die Promotion
Die Frühjahrsakademie findet vom 18.-20. März in Essen statt und unterstützt Promotionsinteressierte und Promovierende in der Anfangsphase.

Introduction to Python
This course provides an introduction to the basics of Python.

InFokus: How to Write Professional Cover Letters and Research Statements for Professorships Applications (online short workshop)
The most difficult long texts for a written application for a professorship are probably the cover letter and the research statement.

The Appointment Procedure - Module 1: Basics and Requirements
The workshop provides basic knowledge about appointment procedures and the requirements for applying for Junior-, TT- or lifetime professorships.

Design Your Life and Your Career
Design your life can support you in your vocational wayfinding.