Past events
Here you will find the past of events in chronological order.
Insights into ethics in academic publishing
Join us for an in-depth discussion on the ethical challenges in academic publishing.
Young Academy Funding Fireside Chat
Zwei Role Models in Sachen Drittmitteleinwerbung berichten der Young Academy von Ihren Erfahrungen, geben Tipps und beantworten Fragen.
2. Markenseminar: Vorsprung durch Markenschutz: Erst anmelden, dann durchstarten!
Das Seminar informiert über die grundlegenden Eigenschaften des Markenrechts.
Academic Presentation - Getting it Right
Participants hone their skills in giving scientific presentations in English and taking part in professional discussions following their own talks.
Wirtschaftskolleg 2024 - Praxis-Dialog zu außeruniversitären Karrierewegen
Information & Austausch mit Vertreter*innen aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - für Doktorand*innen und Postdoktorand*innen.
InFokus: Developing Research Strategies (online short workshop)
This workshop aims to support you in shaping your research for your academic career advancement.
IMPRS Methods Workshop: “Basics and Applications of Mass Spectrometry”
The lectures are open to everybody (no registration required).
Career Orientation for Postdocs
Career decisions regarding future career paths and steps are of significant importance and require careful analysis and reflection.
JProf TU: Social Media for Scientists
Presenting yourself and your research online.