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Advanced use of MAXQDA: Feedback and advanced tools for using qualitative data analysis software | Methods for Humanities & Social Sciences

Start: End: Location: online
Event type:
  • Research, Writing & Publishing
  • Forschen, Schreiben & Publizieren
  • For doctoral researchers
  • Für Promovierende
  • Workshop
This course is a direct continuation of “Taking off with MAXQDA” and aims to assist the attendants to draft and reconsider their analysis strategy with MAXQDA. In the first of three sections the participants will be grouped in break out sessions based on common methodological questions. They will discuss these questions among themselves and in presence of the trainer to develop new perspectives on their methodological challenges.

This course is a direct continuation of “Taking off with MAXQDA” and aims to assist the attendants to draft and reconsider their analysis strategy with MAXQDA. In the first of three sections the participants will be grouped in break out sessions based on common methodological questions. They will discuss these questions among themselves and in presence of the trainer to develop new perspectives on their methodological challenges.

In part two, advanced features will be demonstrated and tried with the entire group. The chosen features will strongly depend on the needs and requirements that came up during the first workshop and the breakout sessions.

Finally, the participants will be introduced to the various workflows and combinations of software functions that can be applied with MAXQDA. This will provide the participants with models to follow and adapt, which enables them to find their personal methodological solution to answer their research questions.

For this course, a licence for the qualitative research software MAXQDA is provided. The participants must use the software to follow along. It is strongly recommended to attend the first part of the Webinar “Taking off with MAXQDA” to follow along on the contents of this advanced course.

Overview of contents:

  • Feedback, questions and focus groups: reflecting on the use of MAXQDA
  • Advanced features and exercises based on the participant’s needs
  • Insights into various workflows for MAXQDA


  • Advanced knowledge of MAXQDA functions
  • Overview of various software workflows with their respective advantages and limitations
  • Solid understanding to create a well-balanced analysis plan
  • Trainer: Andreas Müller
  • Target Group: Doctoral Researchers
  • Sprache: English

This course can be credited with 8 work units for the area „Research, Writing & Publishing“ for the Career Certificate for Doctoral Researchers.



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