TU Dortmund Science Slam
Every year at the summer festival, the Graduate Center hosts the TU Dortmund Science Slam. All early career researchers at the TU Dortmund University, from doctoral candidates to junior professors, can apply. In an exciting competition, the audience decides who will win the coveted TU Slam Trophy.
Science Slam 2019
Four female scientists, three contributions, one winner: The doctoral researcher Lea Schönberger (Department of Computer Science) wins the second TU Dortmund Science Slam in an exciting competition.
Over 400 spectators experienced an exciting Science Slam at the summer festival on July 4, 2019. Despite the summer heat, Lecture Hall 1 at Emil-Figge-Str. 50 was filled to the last seat.
Lea Schönberger was able to convince the audience and the jury with her contribution “Mythos Informatiker*innen: Aus dem Keller ins Weltall” and took home the coveted TU Dortmund Slam Trophy. Lea Schönberger is a research associate and doctoral researcher in the Design Automation for Embedded Systems group.

Prof. Metin Tolan (Department of Physics), who has also made a name for himself outside the scientific community with his format “Samstags zwischen Brötchen und Borussia”, led through the event.
The TU Dortmund Science Slam is organized annually by the Graduate Center. In 2019, the event was again supported by the Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction (IUL) and the Dortmund University Bookstore.

The slam offers early career researchers a platform to present and make their research visible to an audience outside of their field. At the same time, the lectures give interested students an insight into research at the TU Dortmund University.
The Graduate Center would like to thank all participants:
- Renate Delucchi & Anna Marklová (Chair of Psycholinguistics):
„Die Gedanken sind frei, wer kann sie erraten?“
Video - Corina Nentwich (Chair of System Dynamics and Process Control):
„Kann eine KI meine Dissertation schreiben?“
Video - Lea Schönberger (Chair of Computer Science XII):
„Mythos Informatiker*innen: Aus dem Keller ins Weltall“
Science Slam 2018
On July 5, 2018, the first TU Dortmund Science Slam took place – as part of the summer festival. The venue was the lecture hall in the university library, which was filled to capacity despite the best weather.
In a thrilling competition, Lars Koppers won the victory and thus won the TU Slam trophy. He is a doctoral researcher at the Chair of Mathematical Statistics and Biometric Applications and a member of the academic senate.

A total of five early career researchers delighted the audience with a successful mixture of science and entertainment. Prof. Metin Tolan (Department of Physics), who has made a name for himself outside of science with the format “Samstags zwischen Brötchen und Borussia”, led through the event.
The first Science Slam of the TU Dortmund University was organized by the Graduate Center and is to become a permanent feature of the summer festival. It offers a platform for early career researchers to make their research visible to an audience outside the field of science. At the same time, the lectures give interested students an insight into research at the TU Dortmund University.
The Graduate Center would like to thank all participants:
- Dr. Christoph Brandenbusch (Chair of Thermodynamics): „Statische Lichtstreuung! Nur eine verrückte Wissenschaft?“
- Jan Duve (Institute of Musicology): „Von sprechenden Programmen und Mäuseherrschern“
- Junior-Prof. Andreas Groll (Chair of Data Analysis and Statistical Algorithms): „Führt Andrés Iniesta Spanien zum Titel?“
- Lars Koppers (Chair of Mathematical Statistics and Biometric Applications): „Irgendwas mit Medien – Ein Statistiker liest Zeitung“
- Dr. Christian Lenz (Institute for English and American Studies): „Wohnst du noch oder liebst du schon? IKEA und die Geographie der Liebe“