Personal networks are an indispensable resource. The exchange and networking within the peer group is extremely valuable for the successful design of your career phase. Professional networks make it possible to share experiences and system knowledge, discuss common issues, and receive new impulses for personal and professional development.
Professional networks are also an important door opener for careers within and outside of academia. A well-maintained network is therefore a worthwhile investment in your own professional future.
Junior Faculty Impuls
Junior Faculty Impuls is a regular networking format consisting of a professional impulse and informal exchange. Participants exchange experiences and thereby gain important knowledge of the academic system for professional success in academia. The exchange with their own peer group also helps to expand and strengthen the professional network.

The topics of the individual events are freely chosen and include the following areas:
- Guidance and supervision
- Self-marketing
- Developing professional networks
- Time- and self-management for executives
- Appointment procedure
- Other topics of your choice
The networking format Junior Faculty Impuls takes place approximately every 2-3 months at noon in a 1.5-hour moderated exchange. You can find out the dates via the Research Support Services and Graduate Center mailing list and in our event program. If you are interested in the format, please contact us directly.
Tenure Track Networking
In addition to Junior Faculty Impuls, we offer a networking format for tenure-track professors that deals with the special conditions and processes of the tenure-track professorship at the TU Dortmund University. We will automatically invite junior professors with a tenure track professorship to the corresponding special dates.
Once a year, the Research Academy Ruhr (RAR) invites postdocs and junior faculty to a Sommerabend (“Summer Evening”) to talk to peers from the three UA Ruhr universities and international postdocs. An expert lecture or a panel discussion will give you new impulses on career-relevant topics. You will have the opportunity to make new contacts during a social gathering in the Botanical Garden of the Ruhr University Bochum.
You will finde further information on the RAR website.