The career opportunities for postdoctoral researchers are diverse. Unfortunately, the requirements in the postdoc phase are also diverse and range from the development of a research strategy to the challenges of doctoral supervision, or the question of how to reconcile all of this with your private life.
Contact person
If you have any questions about the challenges and topics of the postdoc phase, please contact Dr. Maria Verena Peters.
Our counseling is oriented towards your needs. We are happy to provide you with information on the framework conditions of the acdemic system and strategies for making your own research as successful as possible; you will also find counseling on supervision and management issues, or the structured reflection of your further career planning. All counseling is of course strictly confidential!
Frequent topics of counseling are for example:
- Transferable skills training for the postdoc phase
- Development of a general career and research strategy (e.g. for third-party funding or professional networks), not specific to any particular subject field
- Career orientation (also outside the university)
- Compatibility of family and career

Were you satisfied with our counseling?
To ensure high quality, we evaluate our counselings on a regular basis. The evaluation is anonymous. For this purpose, we only store your e-mail address without any further data and delete it after the evaluation.
We are pleased if you support us with your feedback. If you do not wish to do so, please feel free to let us know that you do not wish to be contacted.
Further advisory services
In addition to the advice and support provided by the Graduate Center, the TU Dortmund University offers further contact points to assist you in your concerns:
- Ombudspersons on Good Scientific Practice
- Psychological Counseling for staff at the TU Dortmund University
- Personnel Department (Conflict Moderation)
- Family Services at the TU Dortmund University
- Center for Entrepreneurship & Transfer (CET)
- Social contact persons (SAPa) and other representatives and confidants (only in German)
- University Library