How do I become a doctoral researcher?
You have successfully completed your studies and would now like to do your doctorate (PhD): in order to begin a doctorate at the TU Dortmund University, you need the supervision approval of a professor. On this page, you will find an overview of application procedures and the registration process.
The doctorate takes place at one of the 17 departments of the TU Dortmund University. The respective doctoral regulations of your Department specify all formal requirements and processes. Please read them carefully before applying for a doctorate.
The foundation for the doctoral regulations of each department is provided by the university-wide framework for doctoral regulations (Promotionsrahmenordnung 2024).

Formal requirements
Doctoral regulations
Below you will find links to the information pages about doctorates of the departments of the TU Dortmund University. There you will always find the latest version of the respective doctoral regulations.
Master's degree
As a rule, you need a good Master's degree or its equivalent (e.g. Magister) for admission to the doctorate. There are also other possible constellations, which are regulated in the respective doctoral regulations of your department.
The Master's degree must also be relevant, i.e. it must fit the disciplines of your department.
What is considered “good” and “relevant” is regulated in detail in the department's doctoral regulations (§4).

Finding a supervisor
Finding a supervisor is the most important step to begin a doctorate at the TU Dortmund University. Prospective doctoral researchers search independently for a fitting supervisor.
There are the following ways to find a supervisor:
- Personal contact with a professor who offers a doctorate (e.g. supervisor of the Master's thesis).
- Apply for a suitable position as a research assistant or for a doctoral program.
- Unsolicited application: Depending on the discipline, you can propose your own topic, for which a short research proposal might be required.
You will fill out a supervision agreement with your supervisor in which you jointly define the key points of supervision (e.g. schedule, interim reports, and feedback). In this way, expectations and requirements of the doctoral supervision become transparent and explicit for both sides.
In order to provide ideal conditions for your doctorate, TU Dortmund University has adopted Principles of Good Doctoral Supervision.
Admission to the doctorate and enrollment as a doctoral student
In order to be admitted to the doctorate, you must submit an application to the doctoral committee of your Department. You will find the necessary documents in the respective doctoral regulations and on the website of your Department. The doctoral committee reviews whether you meet all requirements for the doctorate. We strongly recommend that you submit your application early. This will create legal certainty for your doctorate.
Doctoral researchers at the TU Dortmund University enroll as doctoral students after being admitted to the doctoral program by the Department. As a rule, you must submit a proof of enrollment to the doctoral committee within three weeks.
Enrollment for doctoral candidates with a degree from a German university
If you have graduated from a German university, you will find all information on the matriculation process here.
Enrollment for doctoral candidates with a degree from a foreign university
If you have graduated from a university abroad, you will find all information on the matriculation process here.
Further information for prospective doctoral researchers
![[Translate to English:] Warum promovieren? Kreidezeichnung einer Figur am oberen Ende einer Treppe, dort der Schriftzug „What's next?“](/storages/forschungsfoerderung/_processed_/2/6/csm_Whats_next_r_9c1d95ad31.jpg)
Why do a doctorate?

Advice and information

Financing your doctorate

International doctoral researchers
