Leadership Skills for Postdocs
- Research Academy Ruhr
- TU Dortmund
- Leadership, Supervision & Management Competencies
- Führungs-, Betreuungs- & Managementkompetenzen
- For Postdocs
- Für Postdocs
- Workshop
Leadership has undergone changes – in parallel with changes to our work environments. Flatter hierarchies, project work in a matrix structure and more rapid changes of assignments, locations and colleagues are but some of the new challenges we all face. Interpersonal skills become ever more important when leading a team or a project: for motivation, conflict resolution or work delegation.
Seminar contents:
Hire for quality!
- How to get the best team and not just clones of yourself
- Overcoming biases in staff selection and other work processes
Conflict management
- Prevent conflicts by your lab set-up: communication and practicalities
- Deescalate and resolve conflicts by mediation and through fair negotiations
- Escalate professionally if necessary
Leadership styles
- Can we find a leadership style that fits all types and is this even desirable?
- Who to delegate to in your diverse team and how?
- Staff development
Feedback and other one-on-ones
- Giving and recieving critical feedback
- Feedback in international context: how (in-)direct can I be?
The workshop will take place using zoom for live interactions and the trainer´s learning platform for self-paced learning between the webinars. The language of this workshop is English.
- Time: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 –Thu, 18 Jan 2024, each day 9.00–11.30 a.m
- Location: Online (via Zoom)
- Target group: Postdocs of all research fields of the UA Ruhr universities (max. 12 participants)
- Trainer: Dr. Philipp Gramlich
- Registration deadline: 18 Decemver 2023
- Contact for organizational questions: graduiertenzentrumtu-dortmundde
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