An Introduction to the Application of Rasch Measurement | Methods for the Humanities & Social Sciences
- Research, Writing & Publishing
- Forschen, Schreiben & Publizieren
- For prospective doctoral researchers
- For Postdocs
- For doctoral researchers
- Für Promotionsinteressierte
- Für Postdocs
- Für Promovierende
- Workshop
- Why is Rasch used
- When is Rasch used
- How Rasch differs from Classical Test Theory
- The differences and similarities of Rasch and other IRT models such as the 2P model and the 3P model
Students will learn how to conduct (and interpret) a Rasch analysis of multiple choice test data, rating scale survey data, and partial credit data. Students will learn how to write up the results of a Rasch analysis for papers, presentations and dissertations.
Some of the topics which students will master will be how to review fit statistics, evaluate dimensionality, interpret Wright Maps, evaluate category probability curves, anchor different forms of a test instrument, anchor different forms of a survey, evaluate different aspects of instrument validity, assess Differential Item Functioning, export Rasch results for analysis to SPSS as well as other statistical packages. Students will also be introduced to the Rasch steps which can be used to design a survey or test instrument.
Students will learn how to use the widely used Winsteps Rasch program. A free time limited version of the program will be provided to participants.
Typically Day 1 will consider broad topics such as why Rasch, and how Rasch differs from Classical Test Theory. Students will typically learn to conduct a Rasch analysis of a multiple choice test. And they will they will be introduced to the analysis of survey data.
Typically Day 2 will involve the analysis of survey data and partial credit data. Also more advanced topics such as DIF will be presented.
The workshop is a hand on workshop with clear directed practice for participants.
Dr. Boone is a professor in the Learning Sciences and Human Development Program at Miami University (Ohio), USA. He is the lead author of two Rasch books published by Springer (Rasch Analysis in the Human Sciences, Advances in Rasch Analysis in the Human Sciences). Professor Boone earned his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago’s Program in Measurement, Evaluation and Statistical Analysis. Benjamin Wright (or Wright Map fame) directed Boone’s Ph.D. thesis. Boone has conducted Rasch analysis for 30+ years.
- Instructor: Professor William Boone, Learning Sciences and Human Development Program at Miami University (Ohio)
- Target Group: Doctoral Researchers & Postdocs
- Language: English
- Time:
- 16 January, 9am - 1pm
- 17 January, 9am-Noon, 1pm-5pm
This event will be credited with 12 work units for the area „Research, Writing & Publishing“ for the "Academia & Research" track of the Career Certificate for Doctoral Researchers.
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