Veranstaltungen für Promovierende und Promotionsinteressierte
Good Research Practice
- Research, Writing & Publishing
- Forschen, Schreiben & Publizieren
- For doctoral researchers
- Für Promovierende
- Workshop
From authorship in joint publications to long-term storage of research data, GRP covers a wide range of topics. This workshop offers a basic introduction to the principles of good research practice as required by the German Research Foundation (DFG). In particular, it addresses the recommendations that are highly relevant for doctoral researchers.
The content is supplemented by background information on scientific ethics and conflict management. On the one hand, values, virtues, potential problems and conflicts in the research context are explained and, on the other hand, basic recommendations of the DFG, relevant codes and rules for ensuring good research practice are presented. In addition, specific examples are used to illustrate scientific misconduct as well as the reasons and consequences, and subject-specific differences and similarities between the disciplines are discussed.
- Basics of responsible conduct and professional ethos of a researcher
- Introduction: Research, ethical principles and ethos
- Basic (inter-)national recommendations and regulations for safeguarding good research practice and research integrity
- Research misconduct: Examples, elements of offense, reasons and consequences (incl. plagiarism, copyright, AI)
- General Responsibilities
- Quality management and documentation/archiving
- Publication process, authorship and review of manuscripts
- GRP-Perspectives on the use of text- and picture-generative AI-applications in research
- Supervision: Expectations, duties and roles
- Organizational culture: Collaboration, communication, prevention and dealing with conflict
- Procedures in case of suspicion and relevant contact points
- Important specific responsibilities [*depending on participants’ disciplinary/research background]
- Important prior to any data collection: Authorization or permission relevant research
- [Research on animals]*
- [Research on humans]*
- [Surveys, interviews, data privacy and security issues of personal data in research]*
- Trainer*innen: Dr. Debbie Radtke
- Zielgruppe: Promovierende
- Teilnehmende: max. 12
- Sprache: Englisch
This event will be credited with 8 work units for the area "Research, Writing & Publishing" in the "Academia and Research"-track of the Career Certificate Program for Doctoral Researchers.
Registration deadline: 11.06.2025
* Um Ihnen eine komfortable Anmeldung zu ermöglichen, nutzen wir Anmeldeformulare des Dienstleisters eveeno®. eveeno® arbeitet konform mit der europäischen Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO).