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Good Scientific Practice for Doctoral Researchers

Beginn: Ende: Veranstaltungsort: in-person (tba)
  • TU Dortmund
  • Research, Writing & Publishing
  • Forschen, Schreiben & Publizieren
  • For doctoral researchers
  • Für Promovierende
  • Workshop

This workshop offers a basic introduction into the principles of good scientific practice as they are demanded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).

Good Scientific Practice (GSP) is much more than correct citation or avoiding plagiarism. From authorship for joint publication to the long-term storage of the research data GSP encompasses a broad spectrum. This workshop offers a basic introduction into the principles of good scientific practice as they are demanded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). It especially will deal will recommendations of high relevance for doctoral candidates.

This is complemented trough background information from the ethics of science and conflict management. In this way the workshop explains values, virtues, potential problems and conflicts in the context of research and also presents the fundamental recommendations of the DFG, relevant codices and rules for securing good scientific practice. A foray about the issue of plagiarism complements the program.

  • Instructor: Dr. Debbie Radtke, iGrad
  • Target group: Doctoral Researchers
  • Participants: Max. 20
  • Language: English

This event will be credited with 8 work units for the area "Research, Writing & Publishing" in the "Academia and Research"-track of the Career Certificate Program for Doctoral Researchers.

Registration deadline: 12.08.2024
